About Us

Welcome to the European Organisation for Integration e.V!

At our core, we are champions of fundamental values: Human Rights and Dignity, Freedom, Democracy, Equal Rights, and Justice for all. Our organization stands firm in its commitment to uphold these principles and work towards fostering positive change in society.

Our Aim:

Our primary goal is to promote empowerment, participation, and inclusion, aiming to enhance social cohesion within our communities. We believe that by fostering an environment of equality and justice, we contribute to the overall betterment of society.

Who We Are:

We are a dynamic and diverse team, proudly representing various European countries, each with a shared narrative of immigration backgrounds. Our collective strength lies in the diversity of our team members, who bring unique perspectives and experiences to the table. Together, we stand united in our belief that successful integration is not just an ideal but a fundamental building block for a thriving and harmonious Europe.

Join us in our journey towards a more inclusive, just, and democratic society. Together, we can make a positive impact on the path to integration and social progress.

Our Goals:

-Promoting Cohesion and Coexistence:

We actively work towards fostering cohesion and coexistence within diverse societies, bridging gaps between communities, migrants, refugees, and different religious groups. Our aim is to create an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and connected.

-Advocating for Human Rights and Women's Empowerment:

Upholding the principles of human rights is at the core of our mission. We passionately advocate for the rights of all individuals, with a particular focus on promoting women's empowerment. We believe in creating a world where everyone has equal opportunities and a voice.

-Fighting Radicalization:

 EOI is dedicated to combating radicalization by promoting understanding, tolerance, and dialogue. Through educational initiatives and community engagement, we strive to build resilience against radical ideologies.

-Promoting Peace and Democracy:

Our commitment to peace and democracy drives our advocacy efforts. We believe in the transformative power of peaceful dialogue and democratic values to build harmonious societies.

Join Us in Making a Difference:

At EOI we invite you to join us in creating a Europe where diversity is celebrated, human rights are protected, and every individual, regardless of their background, can thrive. Together, we can build bridges, promote understanding, and contribute to a more inclusive and harmonious society.

  • #DontForgetAfghanistan

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  • #Ban_Taliban_Trave

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  • People lives matter

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  • The future ...

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  • Together we are stronger

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  • Freedom and Justice for all

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  • #NoToGenderApartheidInAfghanistan

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